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Listener 4824 - There And Back Again By Lysander

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Philoctetes | 11:46 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Another reasonably straightforward on. But sufficiently taxing and a sweet representation of the topic (which has been overlooked in recent brouhaha).

Thanks, Lysander



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A conventional treatment of the theme, with some very nice clues in the set. Thanks, Lysander - that was fun to complete.

I really enjoyed this. It was so nice for once to be a step ahead on the endgame and watch it all fall into its expected place - rather than the usual endless grid-staring. Neat device

I made heavy weather of the endgame mainly because I interpreted the preamble in a different way: four letters (i.e. the first 4 clues giving one of two possibilities for the 1ac and the 5th letter giving the 10). Then repeating this for the next block of 5 clues etc.

The penny finally dropped but I did think the preamble was ambiguous.

Clues and gridfill were fine.

Thanks, Lysander.

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Listener 4824 - There And Back Again By Lysander

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