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Why Don't Just Get On With Their Job

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nicebloke1 | 11:27 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

And cut the BS. My area water company has been in junk email mode for sometime now. The latest one this morning explaining all the things I'm able to do myself to save water, the list is endless. Top of the list is a water butt, Wait for it, BEFORE IT GETS HOT🤣🤣  They don't give up trying to blame the customer for the crap state the water industry is in, and paying some clown to construct these emails is going to improve such.



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Damn government!

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Off topic TTT after screaming blue murder about your topic yesterday???

I'm agreeing with you, water needs sorting out, Ideally re nationalising.

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No your not, not your with your first comment. You were screaming about people derailing threads of yours?? 

That was a TIC comment, lighten up. I have said on this and many threads that water needs re nationalising and the government should be in a position to do it.

Don't you think it is a good idea to waste less water, especially for those on water meters.

Re-nationalising would probably double the water bills before seeing any improvement (or an equivalent amount raised by tax increases). (my guess)

Re-nationalising may rebalance the fees so non-meter folk don't continue to get ripped off while metered folk get a discount/subsidy, or the effect of one, but given nationalised companies can be given subsidies from general taxation there's no reason to imply every customer will pay larger water bills. Only those not presently paying their fair share compared to others.

//Re-nationalising may rebalance the fees so non-meter folk don't continue to get ripped off while metered folk get a discount/subsidy,//

If that's true why would everyone not want a meter?

People with meters probably use less water - that's why their bills are less! 

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NMA 11.52. I don't need any education on how not to waste anything, especially from a water company that  wastes millions year after year and does little to improve the situation. Their answer is to just keep increasing customers charges regardless.

OG, if you feel that strongly about it why don't you get a water meter?  

I'm happy to say my water bill went down this year - I obviously used less water last year than previous years.  Happy days.

I agree it should be nationalised.

I think you need to have a word with OFWAT:

Water companies are obliged to tell their customers.

I do agree on renationalisation for water & Sewage.

//No your not, not your with your first comment. //

Actually surely TTT was factualy correct?

Who else can sort it out?

Well Barry. a) because I have morals and don't like compromising them for financial gain, especially when I know it's just the company trying to extend it's control over the customer and ignoring the detrimental affect on society, as that's no concern of theirs. b) my main residence is on a meter and as been since the supplier fitted and started using them whether their customers wanted it or not, and basically said, "Tough, we said we were going to so that makes it ok.", when I complained.

Same answer to Dave. Morality & social responsibility.

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