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Debra Musical Instruments

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Willow2013 | 16:48 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Help please, I am stuck on last three 

Sounds as if this one has been burgled ( 4 )

Dismiss but carry on ( 7 )

Can the French follow card game ( 3 - 7 hyphenated )

Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. 



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2 Sackbut

3 Tin Whist-le

1. Loot

Sorry, just read 'any hints' :(((

Sorry wrong spelling lute.

1 lute

Question Author

Many thanks to you all, was wondering about lute but the others escaped me completely. 
Can concentrate on other things now. Thanks again. 

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Debra Musical Instruments

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