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Special Guardianship Order

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Staceyanne1978 | 14:23 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
2 Answers

A friend of mine has custody of two of her younger relatives aged 9&8. But her marriage is not doing too well and she wants to be happy but is unsure how divorce will be treated by social workers. Her husband is also named on the guardianship order, so any advice for them would be greatly appreciated. 



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Is this under a Special Guardianship Order?

Sorry, I see from your title that it is.  It won't be the first time social workers have encountered this and it is often dealt with in a similar way as divorcing parents. 

She could apply for the SGO to be transferred to her name only if that is what they both want.

They need to decide between them what would be best for them and the children in the short and long term before discussing it with the social workers.

They certainly shouldn't stay married for the sake of the children.

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Special Guardianship Order

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