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Health Body Exploring Whether Single Women Could Get Ivf On Nhs

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naomi24 | 10:59 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
12 Answers


The treatment is currently offered only to couples who meet specific criteria, but given that the NHS is struggling to provide essential medical care, should IVF be offered on the NHS at all?



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The NHS should not be doing IVF, there is no shortage of people, if someone wants IVF they should pay privately.

I don't believe such selfishness should be encouraged or funded.

Deliberately created single parents, I mean.

You know full well that people will play the Mental Health card to justify it.

well if they are radio then they should not be allowed to produce saucepans.

Should people with mental health problems be considered fit enough to endure the stress of IVF? It is gruelling.

Whilst the NHS is struggling to cope with providing essential and emergency health care they should not be spending money even considering this.

Heartbreaking for women who have an unsatisfied need for motherhood, but the NHS can't afford it

NHS has enough to do without indulging this fantasy. If someone wants IVF they can pay privately, end of.

same goes for Cosmetic surgery for vanity which unbelievably they seem to still do.

It particularly annoys me when people get cosmetic surgery done on the cheap and expect the NHS to put it right when it goes wrong.

yep get a Turkish Butcher to do a bum lift and then come home for repairs! They should be billed at the very least.

No it shouldn't, pay privately if desperate.  If someone can't afford, well that's just too bad.  We don't all get what we want in life.

I don't see a problem with it. The so called couples could have split up anyway by the time the kid was born - they only have to be together for 2 years with is no time.

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