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St Swithin's Day: Will It Rain For Another 40 Days?

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naomi24 | 11:04 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

And if it does, will anyone notice the difference?




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Yesterday was St Swithuns's day and it did lash it down round here, so far not yet raining today.

Not because it was St Swithin's Day.  But it's a British summer going into Autumn. That's probably good for another 100 days of consecutive rain, at least.

It might well rain for the next 40 days.

But, as you say, if it did who'd notice or blame it on St Swithin.

some background:

St Swithin was the Bishop of Winchester from 852 to 862 AD.

On his request, rather than being buried in Winchester cathedral, he was buried in a simple tomb in the graveyard "where the sweet rain of heaven may fall upon my grave".

However, on 15 July 971 AD his body was moved inside the cathedral.

A huge storm then hit and it supposedly rained for 40 days after.

Legend suggests that the spirit of St Swithin was so outraged at being moved that he was responsible for this weather.

And who was later realised to be an incarnation of Thor !

Well, St Swithin is as good as any other forecaster!

We should be so Loki

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