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Borrowbox Problems

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barry1010 | 15:57 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

Anyone else use this to download their library eBooks?  I've been using it for some years without problem but today I could not log in.  It didn't recognise my log in details (they were correct) and when I clicked 'forgotten password' I got 'page not found'.

Contacted my library who told me there is problem at Borrowbox and many accounts have been accidentally deleted, advised to register again.

I've done this, no problem, but of course I have lost the reservations I had (some had a wait of over 12 months).

Can find nothing online about this glitch, so wondered if anyone else has experienced it.



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Just tried now and I had no problem.

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Thanks, Boto

Never heard of borrow box before. I learn something new every day. Not that it is much use to me now. Lost the ability to read the books I have, can't find the enthusiasm nor the necessary concentration any more, let alone "borrow" from a library.

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Sort to hear that, OG, I read a lot and it is a boon to be able to read in bed without the light on and without my glasses.

Love eBooks.

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