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Racism Or Getting Found Out?

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douglas9401 | 17:31 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

Hot on the heels of Humza and Rishi now Vaughan Gething is out of the picture.




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Getting found out, the guy is a card carrying eejit.



Yes, a coincidence.  Gething had lost a no confidence vote and should have gone a while ago.

I thought we were told that under Labour things could only get better?  

starmer praised gething, milibands a net0 zealot, rayner and revolving house doors, lammy reviling trump, barmy party.

we can only D ream sinead!

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That wasn't real Labour though. 🤣🙄

"If 20mph speed limits, a failing NHS and falling education standards weren’t bad enough, we can now add political chaos and habitual mismanagement to that list."  Well said, Farage.

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Of course Nige can make that sort of comment given the non-shaky ground that is Reform. Earthquake central.

He's not wrong.


No, more like incompetance or in Sunaks case too much backstabbing.

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