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Interesting Snooker Situation.......

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ToraToraTora | 11:11 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Sport
12 Answers

I think the referee is correct...discuss.




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Not sure I understand the issue...

The ref seems to have treated it as an in-off which it would have been. What else could/should he have done? Play from where the white finished?

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That's the point it was not treated as an in off, it did not enter the pocket, Dott pushed it back with his hand. The ref called foul and Selby should have played it from where it stopped, instead he assumed the in off was given and picked the cue ball up and put it in the D. The ref called foul on Selby, Selby looked puzzled. Selby should have either played it from where it ended up after the Dott push or put Dott back in.

ah - yes. not clear to me from the clip. (actually I didn't recogonise the players - still in their nappies!)

Not sure what happened next - the ref picked up the white, but was it replaced to where Selby moved it for Dott's next shot? 

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did you see Dott put his fist in and stop the ball entering the pocket at the start? The fact that the ball did not enter the pocket means that it's not an in off but it is a foul because Dott touched the cue ball. So Selby should have eaither played it from where it stopped or put Dott back in. Instead he believed that it was an in off and picked the ball up and thus fouled also.

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In a snooker hall it would be accepted as an in off but this is a proper pro tournament.

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"the ref picked up the white, " - no the ref did not touch the white.

I've never seen that before - when the player keeps his hand in the pocket and then pushes the ball back. Surely he should have just let the ball roll until it stopped, even tho he knew it would be in the bottom of the pocket.

After Selby places the white the ref picks it up & places it against the cushion. He should have left it where it was.

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he should have let it drop of course but in club snooker it's common to not wait until the ball actually enters the pocket. In pro tournaments you must.

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12:06, yes he should not sure why he did that.

Ref was correct //Whenever the Striker picks the Cue Ball up, it is considered 'Forced off the Table' even if he puts it back down after realising his mistake.//

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ah yes, because he picked it up! Dott just bumped it so that was left.

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