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A happy ending, nice.

Owners must have been so happy - Loki too 😊

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A heartwarming story ☺

Brilliant rescue.  They are gorgeous dogs.  I am glad he's going home to lots of cuddles.

Hopefully he'll have learnt not to run away again.

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He was able to survive on rainwater - one positive outcome of the awful summer!

Oh love him, 7 days, that's a long time to be stuck outside.  Thank goodness I didn't read this before he was rescued or I wouldn't have slept a wink in all that time.  Thanks Toorak;-). 

They are BIG a giant slobbery labrador. Lucky boy!

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I wouldn't have posted a distressing story LB

pasta - I don't know the breed but he looks lovely

Toorak I meant the original article in BBC News, not your post:-)

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One Lucky Pooch

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