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Fleming....about The Bond Author During W W 2 Etc....

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ToraToraTora | 16:48 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
26 Answers

I've been watching this mini series, quite enjoyable but one thing that struck me is that pretty much every character is a chain smoker. Every building must have stank to high heaven in those days. I know many people smoked in those days but it does look to me like they've overdone that aspect of it.



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There was a lot of heavy smoking in those days especially in the services. It was actually encouraged because the customs, having seized cigarettes would pack them into tea chests and send them to forces overseas, where they were distributed for free. John Players used to sell round tins of fifty cigarettes for about three shillings and six pence, about 17.5...
21:09 Tue 16th Jul 2024
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It looked overdone, vulcan assured me it isn't, I accept that and I gave him BA, what more would you like me to do?

It was, of course, a huge business in those days, apart from the cigarettes there was all the paraphernalia that went with them. Lighters, pocket and free standing, cases ,some even made with gold and every table in a restarant had an ash tray. Buses evenhad ash trays built into the seats, itt really was crazy when we look back. I remember when my wife had our first son, husbands were not encouraged to be any where near. When I returned to the hospital after the birth the first thing the matron did was to offer me a cigarette.

Nothing more doll, just keep on being you. x

Than you for BA, ToraToraTora.

Didn't Marlborough run adverts saying that smoking was good for your health?

When we were working abroad with the Forces during mid'70s to late '80s tobacco products were duty free, apack of 200 was relatively cheap. 

Wish I'd never smoked as it's now made my life a misery.

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