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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:58 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Morning everyone! Well, according to the news we are going to not only get sun these next few days, but  it could get up to 29 degrees depending on where you are! BUT - do not worry, there is a good chance that some rain clouds will be popping in, just incase you miss seeing them daily lol.

On our local FB page someone has posted a photo of a parcel on a doorstep asking 'Is this your doorstep!?. The woman had apparently waited in for a parcel to be delivered & at said time she gets a txt notification saying it's been delivered, and a pic to show it. Well it has been, just not to her! Even tracking says it's at her house! So she is asking if anyone recognises the house/doorstep lol. 

So what's  everyone's plans today?



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Morning smow, hope you're feeling better now.  

G'day! Just booted up my PC and on the Windows screen page I got a picture of a monkey with my name under it - cheek!

Have to drive my daughter to Stuttgart Airport later as she is returning to London then Gloucestershire.

Boo-hoo. Having worked for years in a wild-life rescue centre she knows so much about birds and animals & has opened my eyes to so many living things I've been amongst without realizing it.  

Good morning , Well lawns are on the cards today as i couldnt be bothered the other day, we are forecast good weather today and probably tomorrow, rain back for the weekend, We will get to sit in the garden later with my sister who is coming over for a brew,  

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Hi Naomi. Yes Thanku - certainly don't want to go thru that again in a hurry! Only thing it sounds vaguely like what I had and that would come on that quickly is. Norovirus which is very very easy to catch.

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Morning Khandro - oh what a dream job! Does your daughter stilll work there?

Morning 14 :). That should be good having your sister over - does she live near you?

Morning all.

I've seen a few posts of doorsteps, open front doors with slippered feet peeking out, back gates and wheelie bins from folks hunting their mis-delivered parcels, Smow.

Sun is shining but the dust clouds are rising from nearby building works.  Windows will be kept shut.

When are you going to Devon?

Just rushed around getting little jobs done before we take our monthly walking group out.  All meeting up at a pub where we are booked in to eat on our return. Only 10 of us his time as holidays have started.

Looks like it will be a lovely day for it.

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Hoping to go to Devon within the next 10 days but probably not for as long as I'd planned. Will just do a 2nd trip sooner.

Ubasses - you've definitely picked the right day, looks like it's gona be beautiful!

Morning all, nowt much happening here today

Its lovely to see some sunshine but it reminds me that the windows need cleaning. I might do a bit of gardening instead

Well lawns done now, a few spots of rain which wasn't expected but back to clear blue skies now

We get a "Does anybody recognise this front door?" message about once a week on our local Facebook page. There seem to be an awful lot of parcels going astray.

If it's evri/ hermes doing the delivery I'm not surprised. I always have had to hunt for parcels. Now, if they are the carrier, I don't order. Or, I'll use click and collect. 

We have a lovely Evri driver. She's reliable, cheerful and conscientious. Things only fall apart at Christmas when they draft in casuals.

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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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