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Lovatts Giant Cryptic 392

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blackswan | 18:13 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

3D. Venus levelling with Serena or martina. 7.4.ltr E-E-I-G -L-R

57D.Invitation to share in credit or archery? 4.1.3.ltrs T--E - B--

70A. Works with heartless harry - may be unwilling to. 7ltrs.





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57 Take A Bow

3 evening star


sandyRoe, I expect Workshy is correct, Works +H arr Y, but it's a pretty lame clue, I feel!

Question Author

Thanks all, and I realise I had one letter wrong.

Yes, 'work' in both clue and answer, doesn't seem the best solution 

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Lovatts Giant Cryptic 392

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