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It's Said The Fiercer A Drill Sergeant Is The Better Schooled Are The Recruits In His Charge.

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sandyRoe | 17:16 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Could this be the cause of the 'Strictly' kerfuffle?

Professional dancers remembering their strict training, trying to get the best from dance novices using the same methods.



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Make up a format for a show, when it starts to get tired make up a scandal about it. It's called marketing.

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^ You're probably right.

I knew one once who, in the unlikely event he'd moved to dance teaching,  could have had Sergeant and Widdecombe

prancing about like Nureyev and Fontayn.

Not true. My drill sergeant was a nice guy.

I suspect it depends on the individual recruit. For some it works well, others rebel, get miserable and basically get broken. One only tends to hear about the successes.

No - I dont think the punters ('sluts') realise how much work and practice is needed - and the less talent the  more damned hard work

When the hospitals had juniors and christmas shows,  I  usually  ended  up  as repetiteur ( the fella who knocks the dance routine into the sloots) - for my tap dance ( me) 48 s I reckoned we practised 48 h. - hr a day  for 7 weeks

The group were always revolting and grizzling.  we used code for the main actors. " Redgrave wants another part" " Gielgud wont learn his lines: it is funnier if you dont..."

The slick stuff is hard work. ( looks good tho)

If it's so traumatising why do they stay? They're not hostages. Just walk if it's too much. 

For the money.  

Appearing on SCD has revived some flagging careers too

cross over news - always confusing. Drill sergeant disciplined ( todays times) for making a recruit lie face down in a [uddle of  water...

One of the Royal Marine induction programmes - make a man of you , boy, on teevee. The star cadet quit in episode 3 as a result of bullying - oo-er sergeant ! - made for an interesting set of 6 progs

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