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Elephant In The Room?

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davebro3 | 05:55 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
17 Answers

"Five big things Starmer has to fix."

Can anyone think of a sixth?



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Shhh ....

Hmmm, let me see, I'm sure there was something...  Let me ask one of these lovely illegal immigrants.

// Let me ask one of these lovely illegal immigrants.//

get away with yer! they're all highly qualified doctors and engineers......

I can think of many. But since his party seems likely to make most of them worse maybe that's why they aren't on the BBC list.

BBC, what do you expect?

Was the sixth "Angela Rayner"?

It's the woke BBC, they can only count up to five.

No 1 priority should be the hostile invasion that's happening right now.


Ricky Loves them...


Less than two weeks of a new Labour government, and look at the disaster they have made of the economy already, as indicted by the five graphs in the OP’s link – including council funding down 18%, private water companies in debt to the tune of at least £65 billion, public sector pay down, jails full to breaking point.


Who in their right mind would vote for this shower ?

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damn right - we should have a GE asap!

It's the woke BBC, they can only count up to five.

i have to say I agree with this - it was all a bit luvvie and kissy.

bUT not like  1964 when the marxists at the Beeb demanded allegiance to the Five Year Plan ( like Lenin 1919) and the White Heat of the Techonological Revolution.

I had hoped the Beeb coverage ws less gladsome and new and shiny and innovative, and bright and incoming and hopeful

My sixth would be the promised compensation to the 20,000 service personnel sent to be exposed to nuclear radiation in the fifties and sixties. Time is running out, there are only about a thousand of us left.

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With our current culture there's a lot of historical stuff that could & maybe should be addressed (Horizon/contaminated blood/NHS malpractice/etc). But if it's the government (taxpayer) that has to pay they will drag it out as long as possible.

Upcoming (I hear) is compensation for banks charging excessive interest on car loans. They tell you what interest you will pay - if you think it's excessive don't take the loan for goodness sake!

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oh - and the women pensioners who seem to have been short changed...

Further to my post @14:33 as all ABers are aware, the Tories have an unrivalled/proven track record of prudent fiscal management of the country’s finances and could never exhibit the gross incompetence of the last two weeks of the Labour government, which has resulted in the sorry state of the country’s economic situation.

19.44 I'm guessing G&T?

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Elephant In The Room?

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