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Vance - A Good Choice For America And The World?

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naomi24 | 12:47 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
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I don't know much about him but I've heard him on a couple of, topics and he sounds a bit loopy to me.



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He claims to have been raised in dire poverty in one of the hillbilly states(he wasn't) and was educated at an ivy league university.

He seems, to me, to be one who has scrambled into the lifeboat and then pulled the ladder up after him.

Vance said about Trump in 2016, “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical *** like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler. How’s that for discouraging?” 

well his analysis on Ukraine is spooky and uncanny

Ukraine cant win the war by itself, and probably cant with America as a proxy (!) - so give it to Russia ( and who -in America- cares? )

America should look to china as the  menace ( yellow peril of the 1890s).

and I cant find much wrong ( sorr Ich) with the two

to be one who has scrambled into the lifeboat

no he joined up ( Marines) and you get as part of the G I Bill free university education. (*) Can you see a ROyal Marine reading engineering or politics as uni - no I cant, but some do

(*) There was a G I Bill in England 1918 where the local vet - fr'instance -  MRCVS read medicine at Durham ( MD by examination) and became my father's senior partner. Not  many people know this and will probably get me zapped

Any notion that America leads the world is bonkers itself 

hullooooo the only problem is that they have done so for seventy years,  bonkers or not

Those in America ought to care. You don't need an antagonistic world power expanding unless you want to oppose them in your own country. Even ignoring morality reasons there's a practical reason right there.


As for the view that Ukraine is not able to win against the invader, even with US help, that's one heck of an admission to make, which will be noted by the world's tyranies, and ignores the Russian inability to advance even now without losing a generation.


With such a defeatist attitude one has to wonder if he was the right choice as running mate, and what it means for the West and Ukraine. Such talk and possible (lack of) action may cause splits in the allies, to the satisfaction of their enemies.

vance said he "doesn't care one way or another" what happens in ukraine... so he is an absolutely fantastic choice for putin.

mr vance has also said that he would have sided with the january 6 attackers if he were vice president and overturned the election result in trump's favour. he is also a big admirer of viktor orban and wishes to ban abortion.

donald trump is very old and very fat. if he is still in office at the end of his term then he will not relinquish power legally or otherwise. if the republicans win the in november then JD vance will very likely be the next president. not a good thing for anyone in my view. 

Would seem there's no sane person willing to preside over the cuckoo's nest.

Vance will say anything, whether he believes it or not, to advance himself. A classic populist, I can't think of anyone who has said anything worse of Trump than JD Vance. An absolute a hole. He will do well.

//He claims to have been raised in dire poverty in one of the hillbilly states(he wasn't) and was educated at an ivy league university.//

Oh he was  ...   and he went to Yale after joining the Marines. From the Marines he went to college and got a first-class degree in less than two years, while holding down two part-time jobs to pay his way and often sleeping less than four hours a night. That impetus pushed him on to a place at Yale(Ivy League College) where he graduated as a lawyer. It is all in the book Hillbily Elegy that was written by him and is quite graphic in parts. Here is an article about him that is not am emo driven hate piece. Interesting man. Is Vance an Irish name?

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