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How To Keep The Start Screen Visible?

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joko | 19:42 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

when i click the start button the usual display shows, with a list of programs & tiles etc, but it disappears as soon as i click anywhere else.
Is there a way to keep this visible?

I googled but im not really sure of the right terminology etc so a lot of useless stuff came up.

Thanks :)




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I'm on a Mac and all I have to do is press the Escape key.  If you're not on a Mac I can't help you.

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thanks, yes theres a window key that opens it, but it still disappears when i click somewhere else

To my knowledge, there is no way to keep the Start Menu open on the desktop. A third-party program that gives the results you're looking for is called CLaunch. The user can drag and drop shortcuts onto its grid. The grid remains on the desktop without having to continually relaunch it. A download is available at CNET.

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How To Keep The Start Screen Visible?

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