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Kings Speech.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:42 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
19 Answers

....and so it begins, English devolution, perlease, we need it reversed not expanded, another layer of "authority", he's been in less than a fortnight and already he's handing out power to every failed half wit politician. The country elected Labour to govern, not farm that job out to gawd knows what useless local prats. What a disaster. I'm glad I am at this end of my life, I feel so sad for my grandson.



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//I'm glad I am at this end of my life//


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I think Dave is agreeing with you, TTT.  Have you got a link?  I can't see anything about English devolution.

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It was in the actual speech near the beginning there was no link at the time wait till the summary comes out.

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naomi; "I think Dave is agreeing with you, TTT. " - no he's wishing that I die soon, can you not see that?

yes - agreeing, glad I not just starting out. 

I think if I was giving advice to a young person I would say - "Just get on with your life, ignore politics, don't read the newspapers, don't watch the news on TV or listen to it on the radio (or go onto AB!). What is going to happen will happen, no point in worrying about it."

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ok apologies the written word can sometimes give the wrong intended meaning.

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So we are now going to have an English Parliament are we? kin madness!

How can we keep calling it the UNITED KINGDOM? Loses all meaning.

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...well it still is for now.

How can we keep calling it the UNITED KINGDOM? Loses all meaning.

because the acts of union havent been repealed - this was a spoof question wasnt it? we really knew that

Could call it the UNITED (in name only) KINGDOM😂

Where was the creation of an English Parliament mentioned?

Looks like there will be some stonking tax increases to fund this lot. But plenty of "jobs for the boys" i.e. unproductive bureaucrats!

Is it CINO - Change in name only?

Labour called its manifesto “Change”. It campaigned for “change”. Yet there was no change of direction in the King’s Speech. Quite the opposite. Insofar as it was a plan for anything, it was to continue transforming Britain into a big government, low-growth, low-energy corporatist state. ............

Things can only get better?

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Kings Speech.....

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