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More Good News For The Tories – Liz Truss’s Disastrous Mini-Budget ‘Not A Disaster’

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Hymie | 19:51 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
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I see the three Stooges. Johnson ,Farage and Truss are all in America at the moment sucking up to The Leader of the Stooge Party ....Trump ...Trying to carve a new way of how to Con the Public. And line their pockets

But it was

"But it was"

But whetther it was or was not isn't the issue raised.

This is about civil servants making comments of a political nature which, if left unchallenged, could influence government policy. That is not their job.

I read it that Hymie considered they were changing their minds. I don't believe they have.

Ah, I've just realised Hymie is far from being a Tory voter.

Silly me.

"I read it that Hymie considered they were changing their minds. I don't believe they have."

Yes, that's what Hymie would like you to think, I'm sure. But that is not what the article is about. I quote:

"Officials drop Truss budget 'disaster' reference"

Of course the Truss budget got slated because it was "uncosted". The latest measures announced in the King's Speech today will cost just as much if not more, achieve very little, but since they have allegedy undergone some mythical "costing" exercise that's OK. 


Just shows the Civil Service in its true colours.

It wasn't a disaster. It was an M&S disaster !


(Massive and Substantial)

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