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Is 900 Calorie A Day Too Low,?

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cleoval | 11:41 Sun 13th Dec 2020 | Weight Loss & Dieting
25 Answers
Hi I have 10 stone to lose and I am weighing my food.I was on 1,200 cals a day for a few months and didn't seem to be losing.I am on 1,000 a day and nothing seems to be happening.I do not exercise or go out because of the virus.I have an Exercise bike that I have not used yet.Do you think it it is good to go on it 3 times a week to speed up weight loss? And for how long.? I am 63 years 900 cals a day too low? I think I can manage it.Thanks.


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Gastric surgery is drastic and it means taking supplements for life. It can have very unpleasant, long lasting consequences and complications. It is not an easy quick fix and some people still regain weight because they eat the wrong things and drink too much alcohol. Even a tiny stomach can still stretch. If you accept that your diet will be very limited every day for life after surgery you might be able to decide to limit your calorie intake without surgery.
Every operation is dangerous when you are obese.

I know it is very hard to lose weight and keep it off, it is intimidating, miserable at times, demoralising - but if you do succeed it can give a huge boost to confidence, drastically improve your health and physical fitness and give a whole new lease of life.

Plan now, start in January.

Martin, I lost my cravings for sugar and sweet stuff long ago. If I accidentally drink coffee with sugar in it all I can taste is syrup water.
I don't sweeten my porridge and enjoy it - I used to heap the sugar on to all my breakfast cereals.

Sometimes I could kill for a pork pie but I know it's not worth the indigestion or the calories.
barry1010 @13.31


it's kinda low...but maybe chat with a nutritionist or doctor to find a balanced approach that works for you.

Managing calories and considering exercise is a great approach. At 63, it's important to find a balance that suits your body and health needs.

As for the exercise bike, starting with 3 times a week is a good plan. Begin with shorter sessions, maybe 15-20 minutes, and gradually increase as you feel more comfortable. Consistency is key, and it can definitely help speed up your progress.

Regarding your calorie intake, 900 calories a day might be quite low, especially without guidance from a healthcare professional. It's important to ensure you're getting enough nutrients to support your health and energy levels.

Have you thought about supplements like goliathsteroids ( to support your journey? I've heard they can assist with maintaining muscle and energy during weight loss efforts, but it's wise to consult with a doctor to see if it's suitable for you.

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