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Amazon Will Try Again

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pastafreak | 18:39 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

What does this mean when they claim they attempted delivery and I was well within earshot and view of my front door at the time.

Today...tonight...Next week?



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They left a note?  

Were you expecting a parcel? 
Usually, delivery companies try again next working day.

That happened to me Pasta and I was fuming.  I was in and he never pressed the buzzer,  It's so loud you can't miss it plus my dog barks when it goes off and you can't miss that either. But they did deliver it the next day.

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Yes, I was expecting a was expected between 3:45 and 5:45 pm. I'd checked at about 3:50 and it was 4 stops away...about 30 minutes according to the map location.

I next checked the update at about 4:30 and had the message that delivery was attempted. My buzzer doesn't work...but I was sitting about 20 feet from the door, and it's glass. I'm surprised driver didn't try these are flats. Its what they usually do.

If it's tomorrow that's another day stuck in waiting. 😑

Happened to me too, just like ladybirder. In my opinion they didn't come in the first place!




I get loads of Amazon parcels, they are so pushed for time the driver is usually in the van and away before I get to the door. They just leave them outside and they take a picture of it. I don't understand why your guy is not doing that.

Unfortunately it seems to depend on the individual who's delivering. Some will wait and give time for the customer to come to the door, others won't. I had one recently who pressed the bell and although I happened to be a few feet  from the door, he was already halfway back down the path, still holding the parcel. He seemed quite reluctant to return to give it to me. I have found over the years that they try again the following day.

not a job I would relish - they must be under a lot of pressure

My doorbell rang at 10pm a few weeks ago, I wasn't expecting a delivery.  I looked through the window and nobody was there so I ignored it.

Next morning I found an Amazon parcel on my doorstep addressed to somebody who lives three miles away.   I don't know how the driver got the addresses mixed up.

I recenly noticed  a neighbour in their front garden looking under the car and lifting bin lids. Lost something? I asked. He said they'd checked and the website said parcel delivered but they can't find it. Just then the van drew up and the "already delivered" parcel was delivered.

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I later had a notification that they will try again today. I won't get a time range until around noon.

I too think the driver never came. They have instructions to leave with neighbour next door. I rarely see the same driver more than a few times. It's a hellish job.

Barry, did that parcel ever get to the addressee? 

//My doorbell rang at 10pm a few weeks ago, I wasn't expecting a delivery.  I looked through the window and nobody was there so I ignored it.//

Barry I was once notified that delivery would be between 6-11pm!!! And they did come at around 10pm!!

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