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Good Morning Early Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:21 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Well, it's promised to be a hot day today (well hot for the UK anyway lol) with around 28-29 degrees expected in many areas, and up to 30 degrees tomorrow. No doubt that after almost 7 months of constant rain we will all be moaning about how it's too warm by lumchtime lol! Our garden is a complete heat trap & I tan incredibly quickly so I could go and sit in garden with a book and have a tan by dinner time this eve lol.

Will be looking today into best/safest weed killers for my front driveway. Fully gravelled, it still manages to attract so many weeds, and tho I actually find it very therapeutic pulling them out one by one, roots n all, the incessant rain means I just cannot keep up with the growth. So want to put something down - shop bought or homemade- that won't affect passing cats/dogs etc.



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Morning Smow and all

My garden is turning into a jungle, I must get on top of the weeds, too.  I pull them up rather than kill them except for the block paved areas where I spray Resolve 

Good morning both. I envy you your tanning ability Smow.  I have two skin colours depending on the weather - white and bright red.

Well, our walk yesterday was extrememly hot, and we had 1 person struggling, but made it back to the pub on time.

Today is the supermarket run, then try and get out in the garden and do some cutting back and weeding.

I'm the same as Impatiens, with the added attraction of easy peel skin.

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Resolve - I must look that up.

i have 4 children  - 3 boys and a girl. 3 have brown hair,my eldest - a boy - is a redhead, a darker shade of red -  very lovely. 2 years ago him and my middle son discovered that their partners were expecting babies at the same time. In fact , the same week. We shall call my boys JACK(the  redhead) and SAM. When the babies were born, within 2 days of each other,  it was clear within the first week that one of them was going to pick up this redhead gene. But not JACKs baby. SAMs lol. Scroll forward 6 months to a photo of JACK & SAM standing side by side, each holding their baby girls. JACK is beaming whilst holding his little bundle with fluffy brown hair, and right next to him is SAM, also holding his little bundle, with the brightest, fieriest mop of red hair that I have ever seen in my entire life! It is so bright it doesn't look real lol. And every single person who sees this photo asks if the boys have swapped and are holding each others babies . Just adorable!


Morning all, I have no definite plans for today, a friend is walking the dog this morning before it gets too hot and my older son has taken his dad for a hospital appointment. 

Have a happy day everyone

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Morning Rosetta x

Good morning, I have the same problem with weeds on a block drive, so have found this homemade weed killer that I am going to try. You only have to spray it on, (my knees are not so good for getting down!!), and I have just finished a cleaner spray bottle I can use.

1 litre of water + 1cup of vinegar (240ml) + 2 tablespoons of salt. Should also encourage weeds not to come back. I will let you know how I get on, as I can'tdo until tomorrow.

I'm stuck indoors waiting for amazon. Luckily it's not too hot daughter in London was looking forward to today's 29°.

I come from a family of redheads...all 3 of us had dark red hair, and burned easily. Whereas our parents got nice and does my daughter. I have to go gently, gently. 

Morning, I tan very easily but I'm only happy sitting in the sun if I've got a pool or the sea to jump into to cool down.   Failing that, I tend to seek the shade.  Having said that with the weather we're having we're more likely to go rusty!  :o)

Good morning. Hope you can get those pesky weeds sorted out soon, smow. Our gardens are quite easy to maintain. Mostly lawn, border flowers and pot plants.  Unfortunately, dint feel like doing much, even thought the sun is shining. Three of us have covid. 🤒  



Morning all. Smow I was a bit wary of using Resolve as we have a cat. I found this homemade weed killer on line an it worked for me.

1 litre white vinegar, 3 tablespoons cooking salt, 3 teaspoons washing up liquid mixed in a spray bottle 

^ the washing up liquid help it to 'stick' apparently 

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