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Food And Confectionery From British Towns & Shires

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colin76 | 19:23 Tue 18th Jun 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

16, bigger mad rare greens (8,11)



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It looks like '________ gingerbread' (from an anagram) but I can't get the remaining letters (magreesr) to make a place name.


Grasmere ....

Yes   ...    Grasmere Gingerbread. 

^^^ Grasmere!

help needed please with the only one I have left SO HAIRY POET TEARS LAYER (8,5,8)  after Arbroath and before Bath

Think this was previously answered as Ayrshire early potatoes

thanks - I hadn't looked at the site before

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Food And Confectionery From British Towns & Shires

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