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Electric Problem - Safe To Use Or Not?

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wolf63 | 16:55 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | How it Works
5 Answers

I have a laser hair zapper, when I plug it into the plug there is sometimes a bright spark.

I was told that there is always a spark of some sort when you use mains electricity.  But this is quite visible.

I had a previous laser that did the same, but I returned it thinking it was faulty.  Yet this one does the same.

Is this something that is supposed to happen?





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I guess you mean plugging it into the 'socket' Wolfie?

It's just 'arcing'. Not good though. It will cause burn marks to both plug and socket.  A high current can flow during an 'arc', which could cause the (plug)fuse to blow, or even the circuit braker back at the board.

Always switch the socket OFF before plugging in.

^It may be an older socket without a switch, perhaps?

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Any time I use the laser it is plugged into an extension plug already plugged into the mains.

Thanks to both of you.  I shall plug it into the extension cable before plugging the cable into the mains.


It’s probably the inrush current on application of the mains power causing the arc.   To reduce/minimise any arcing, plug the unit into a switched mains outlet and switch the power on once the mains plug is fully pushed in.  That way any inrush current flowing will have the full plug pin engagement at switch on.

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Hymie, what you say seems logical.  But it is a bit of a surprise to see the sparks.

At least I now know what I am doing wrong.

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Electric Problem - Safe To Use Or Not?

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