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Phonetic Alphabet

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Arrods | 15:48 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

I agreed to take part in a telephone survey. When I gave my postcode she relayed it back using the phonetic alphabet. Sierra and Bravo were OK but she said Y for Yellow. 

I could tell that she was au fait with the phonetic alphabet but I jokingly said didn't she mean Y for Yankee? Oh no she said, we can't use that any more.

is that correct - and are there any others we can no longer use?



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The police and NATO still use Yankee,  I can't find 'yellow' in any of the official sites 

A person with hearing difficulties could hear 'yellow' as 'L' because that is where the stress is.  

'Whiskey' for 'W' will be changed to 'Wokery' soon🙄

NATO alphabet has been varied - I  cant recollect ( COVID probably) the times and substitution

When I was a child we learnt:

apple, brother,charlie, dover, easter, freddie, georgie, harry, india, jack, king, london, mother, no-one, orange, peter, queen, robert, sugar, thomas, uncle, victor, wednesday, xmas, yellow, zebra.

I still sometimes slip back into it if I have to think quickly.

Is Zulu still used for Z?

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I used to wind people up by saying P for pneumonia. :-)

Yes, Zulu is still used.  

load of old pony, probably a self appointed trobiscite making it up. Yankee is still official.

remember...A for orses, B for mutton, C for yourself, D for mation, F for vessance, etc etc?

Are you British, ubasses?

Alpha: Too many male connotations

Bravo: Boastful tendencies

Charlie: Drug speak

Delta: Warmongering jet fighter reference

Echo: Not enough heavy curtains

Foxtrot: Not gay enough

Golf: A good walk spoiled

Hotel: Now full of invaders

India: Don't mention partition

Juliet: Setting the stage

Kilo: Foreign nonsense, pounds and ounces please

Lima: See Charlie


November: Terrorist worshippers

Oscar: Nothing to declare

Papa: Too sexist thanks to Renault

Quebec: Wolfe in sheeps clothing

Romeo: See Juliet

Sierra: Mountains of charlie

Tango: The Donald

Uniform: Collar flashes and jackboots

Victor: Assimilation by the Borge

Whisky: Drammed if you do...

Xray: Chance would be a fine thing

Yankee: Grant-aided

Zulu: Shaka your money maker

Back to Mike: Pence for your thoughts

she might be in india as most call centres are now!! so that might be the reason!!


 Very good Douglas lol!

"The shortened form Yank is used as a derogatory, pejorative, playful, or colloquial term for Americans in Britain, Australia,Canada, South Africa, Ireland, and New Zealand. The full Yankee may be considered mildly derogatory, depending on the country".



My hobby (amateur radio) requires me to make constant use of the NATO/ITU phonetic alphabet

However, if someone is struggling to hear what I'm saying, I'll often switch to "America, Boston, Canada, Denmark, England, France . . . ", etc.  In that system, 'Y' becomes 'Yokohama':

The vast majority of radio amateurs stick to 'Yankee' for 'Y' though, except (for reasons unknown to me) those in Brazil, where many callsigns begin with 'PY' and seem to always be announced as "Papa Yellow . . ." by their operators.

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