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More Victims Of Hamas....

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ToraToraTora | 10:29 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
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Thank God we didn't have the press we have today covering world war Two- imagine every time the allies bombed Germany we'd have people jumping up and down saying "oh they killed civilians".   Yes, it's called war.  I suppose we should have just gone across there and weeded out the nazis one by one and in that ideal world no-one else would die.  The world doesn't work like that.  Israel are involved in a war against Hamas and until Hamas are defeated innocent people will die.

deliberate bombing of german civilians was absolutely wrong in ww2 (and yes it did happen)... nobody knew about it at the time but that doesn't make it right

untitled, war is war.  Idealism doesn't and cannot work - ever.

is it acceptable to kill and wound hundreds in order to get one terrorist?

Tell that to the terrorist.  If he was as concerned as you are about the people around him, he'd have found somewhere else to hide.

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Is it acceptable for a terrorist to hide among women and children?

i already know his answer. it would be "yes" assuming you substitute "terrorist" for "enemy soldier". 

do you agree with that?

of course it isn't tora. 

I answered your question now answer mine

Well said, Stableford.  

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14:37 ok: "is it acceptable to kill and wound hundreds in order to get one terrorist?" - no, I'd have hoped they would find another way. Yes Israel have been heavy handed at times but as I have maintained throughout Hamas chose this. It's all at their door.

At this stage of the issue, naomi, I'd say Israel have more chance of acheiving it than Hamas does.

"Why should the IDF risk their lives going in to get terrorists "

it's their job. they chose instead to drop a massive bomb and kill everyone in the vicinity because frankly they are cowards

But why cant Hamas admit they were wrong on 7th October,surrender up their leadership,pay massive reparations to the Israelis,release the hostages etc,then this war will be over...but they wont.

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