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douglas9401 | 18:00 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
14 Answers

Bit of a result for normal people going about their business.



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great news but why did climbing the gantries stop the traffic? Just ignore the scum, if they fall, result.

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Insurance wouldn't pay out for damage caused by falling knobs.

// a result for normal people going about their business. //

....or a case of the judiciary exceeding their remit and making an overtly political example of 5 peaceful protesters?

Of course they would, accident, that's what insurance is for.

Their smirking faces will be wiped away when confinement hits home.

Marvellous!  Jail is the best place for them!

mushroom: // a result for normal people going about their business. //

....or a case of the judiciary exceeding their remit and making an overtly political example of 5 peaceful protesters?

They are not exceeding anything, I'm sure the sentence was prescribed for the offence. These morons disrupt lives for no reason, they deserve to go into the slammer. Bit of fresh meat for the gangsters.


//People missed flights, medical appointments and exams. Two lorries collided, and a police motorcyclist came off his bike during one of the protests on 9 November 2022 while trying to bring traffic to a halt in a “rolling road block”.// - bunch of low life scum, hope they get beaten up every day.

Good job.


Labour will let them out in a bit, though. I doubt they'll serve anywhere near what they were sentenced.

This is marvellous news.


In addition to receiving some decent(ish) jail time, this'll probably have unwanted implications in their private lives for many years to come. Good.

Yes DD, try getting insurance with a custodial sentence like that :-)


Very long sentences.  A period of 6 months inside would have sent a daunting message to protesters.

....not as daunting as 5 years me old china and they deserve to be daunted.

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