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Good Morning Friday Birds - Again!!

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Smowball | 10:02 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

I did post earlier but it seems to have vanished! So apologies it if suddenly re-appears and there is two threads then going!

Bright blue skies & glowing sunshine here - gona be a real scorcher!! Make the most of it as only meant to last till Sunday lol.

Anyone here got any weekend plans?? Nothing specific here - just chilling  out and relaxing where possible. 



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Morning Smow.  How's your hand today, any better?

Smow, you posted the earlier one in Body & Soul.

Good morning Smow. It's lovely here too (unsurprisingly since we live quite near each other). Today I'm wearing one of the tops which I took to France earlier this year in the expectation of hot weather - how wrong I was! It was freezing.

Your thread hasn't vanished, it's still there

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Oh how odd, what was I thinking lol? 
oh well, blame the heat!

For ladybirder and anyone who saw my post lastnight about my stinging hand - it's still really painful this morn, but can now see clear red weals on the inside of my thumb and first two fingers. So painful that I can't even pick up a cup of tea as the heat of th handle hurts too much. Im even more baffled than ever now! 

just put washing out whilst this rare thing called sunshine is here! And a second load on. We certainly do go from one extreme to the  other in weather here in the UK don't we! 

You could try sticking a straw in your cup of tea and sucking the liquid up through that?  Just a thought.

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Good Morning Friday Birds - Again!!

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