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whistonian | 09:19 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Adverts
10 Answers

Help I am being inundated with pop ups,how can i get rid of them without monthly payments.



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On a PC?

You can't pay the site to remove the ads. I accessed AB on my phone the other day ( normally use iPad) and it was literally unreadable. No wonder readership is plummeting, it's almost inaccessible to people using a phone who are not signed up as members

Do you mean in Answerbank specifically? You shouldn't be seeing ads on this site because you are logged in.

If you are getting ads and popups install Adblock or UBlock Origin.

You could try using Brave browser which blocks everything.


Barry what about people surfing the internet and finding AB? It's dreadful if you are not logged in, it certainly would put me off signing up. Also Barry you are lucky to be a moderator because some people have been suspended in the past for mentioning ad blockers 🤣🤣🤣

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Yes on a PC,just had a pop  up now  about garden accessories on Answer Bank but the majority are when i first log on.

Auntypoll, read the Site Rules and stick to the topic.

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Thankyou everyone I* am now using Brave browser.

Glad it's worked for you, I've been using Brave for most things for a long time.  No harm in trying different browsers, they take up mimimal space on your hard drive

10.20 😂😂😂😂

I'd be prepared to bet that there's some malware on your computer, Whistonian.

Download, and run, AdwCleaner to get rid of it:

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