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Anyone Else Been Experiencing This......

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renegadefm | 19:45 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

All our local supermarkets, and Whetherspoons, have been experiencing a problem with their card readers. 

So customers have been forced to draw out cash. But that proved a challenge as quite a lot of our banks have shut down, and cash machines have become as rare as public phone boxes. 


This hic up makes me think how would the UK become a cashless society, if we need it to survive when technology breaks down? Surely that to me highlights we need cash to exist as an alternative.


How else are we going to survive and buy our essentials like groceries etc? 



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The ony problem I've had today (in respect of the IT outage) is that a £1.50 Visa card payment, to get hold of a copy of my uncle's will, wouldn't go through on the website.  (It kept saying that I'd entered incorrect card information).

I don't think there are plans to eliminate cash.

Although some establishments are cashless, they will either need excellent resilience plans or suffer the consequences of not trading if they cannot take cash.

I'd be more concerned about our infrastructure relying on Windows and auto updates, than on the prospect of a cashless society. 

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There are quite a few establishments around here that only accept card payments. Our local swimming pool is like it, and the cafe inside is card only. I find it quite arrogant to be honest as I prefer to use cash everywhere. 

Using a card can be quite disconnecting from how we spend money. Like its too essy etc. 

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