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National Lottery

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douglas9401 | 08:14 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

I haven't been able to connect to their site since last night and can't find anything online about problems.

I've tried two devices with both Firefox and Edge.

Just me?



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I can't get into the site, either.

I can't get in this morning either, assuming it is to do with yesterdays debacle.  Will try again later in the day.

I can get in so no problem here.


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Thanks for your replies.

I still can't get into the National Lottery app. Anyone else having trouble?

It's still reported as down for a lot of people on X just 9 minutes ago.  If you can't log on, assume you are one of them

Thought as much. Are some able to logon?

I finally managed to get in late morning using mylaptop.

Their website is up at the moment.

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I got on via the app but still can't connect by laptop.

Retail sales in the shops in my area are fine.

I accessed their website on my 'phone.

I just checked to see if I could log in using my Tablet.

I could and to test it further I bought a couple of Lotto tickets😂

Put my numbers on earlier - encountered no probs.

I finally got in on a different device. Strange though.

It was on the news that the National Lottery were having system problems of their own. Nothing to do with the MS problem.

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