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A New Carpet.

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sandyRoe | 08:22 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

When brushing it some of the pile seems to be coming off.  

It wasn't expensive so does this happen with new ones or only with cheaper new ones?



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It's happened with every new carpet I've had. I don't buy particularly expensive or dead cheap ones. 

I think most new carpets shed copious amounts of fluff for at least a few vacuumings.

I think it happens with all carpets, sandy.  My very expensive all wool carpets shed a lot when first laid, but they are still in excellent condition 30+ years later

All carpets.... Don't brush, vacuum on low suction for the first few times it's normal

It's quite normal for a new carpet to shed and it should stop after it's been vacuumed a few times

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Thank you, both.

I was brushing it before my cleaner came, so in the future I'll leave the cleaning to her

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Thanks, everybody.

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