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Kindle Paperwhites

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fourteen85 | 08:16 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

Does this kindle allow you to listen to audible books? if so does it have soeakers or do you need ear phones or similar. I currently use a kindle ( Keyboard model)from around 13 years ago and am thinking of upgrading, any help would be useful , thanks



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No Kindle has inbuilt speakers as far as I know but they do have bluetooth.  Kindle will only narrate audio books from Audible so are limiting.

Kobo is much the same but will play any audiobook.  

Meant to say all newer models of Kindle will play Audible so it's just down to your choice - and checking before you buy. 

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Thank you 

One further point - Kobo will play audiobooks downloaded from your public libraries.

I've got both a Kindle and a Kobo and prefer the Kobo.  Personal preference, of course.

What is really frustrating is the the first eReader I bought in 2008 was a Sony - a thing of all metal beauty that had built in speakers and would play any type of audio book.  Best eReader I ever bought, I still have it but the third replacement battery died a while back

Barry, my first ereader was a sony too. Sti!l got it!

Mine is the PRS 505.  I was disappointed when Sony pulled out of the eBook market, they developed the electronic ink and made the first real ebook reader

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Kindle Paperwhites

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