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Selfish Or Acceptable?

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barry1010 | 09:52 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

A Place in the Sun, tiny balcony to tiny flat with many neighbours on both sides, above and below.  Prospective buyer says, 'perfect place for barbecues'.

To my mind that is beyond selfish.  What's your view?




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Anything with a naked flame is a severe fire  risk so very selfish imho

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It would drive me mad if I were trying to enjoy my balcony and had to suffer a barbecue from the adjacent balcony.  

People can be very selfish, intolerant and demanding with their behaviour.

OK if you get a invite with free booze.

By a place with a balcony, expect others to use their balcony as they wish. It's something to consider when buying.

Selfish but people don't think about anyone anymore, they just do what they want to do.

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Selfish Or Acceptable?

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