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Has It All Changed?

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nailedit | 16:06 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
42 Answers

I don't come on AB much nowadays, but when I do look in, it all seems to have changed.

Not much banter (not much of anything actually),

Chatterbanks died a death.

A lot of familiar posters seeem to have done one.

Whats happened???



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It wokoed for me, Bb. It didn't auto correct, so it wokoed!

have a care, Tilly, you'll fall foul of those with an anti-woko agenda

😁 Jno!

Am I bovvered?


sorry to go off-piste, nailedit, but you were lamenting the loss of banter

I'm only on here because it's too hot to do anything else. 

That's your excuse and you're sticking to it, Tilly.  Or are you stuck to your leather chair - painful that, leather furniture can be a hazard in the heat if you're wearing shorts. 

I am not wearing shorts and that's as much as I'm saying on that subject,

Now it's all your own fault you are stuck to that leather recliner, Tilly.  That will teach you to strip off - in front of the window too!  

Imho instead of an Answerbank it deteriorated into a non stop exchange of idiotic political doctrine no matter what the flavour.

CaC, I ignore those threads.

The hangover from the recent election continues even now.

I hadn't realised it was possible to be haughty, high-handed and in a huff at the same time but multi-tasking is in evidence most days.

The right don't like to lose, apparently. x

I don't post these days much.

I gave up posting when mods started deleting threads I had taken time to contribute to without an explanation or apology to those that had given their time to reply.

Simple as that.

I have replied to this knowing it could be deleted on a whim.

Maybe time to put AnswerBank out if it's misery and call it a day. They are running at a loss anyway.


Anyway.....,nice to see you nails, how are you doing?

Nailedit, how are you now, glad to see you still posting?

Good to hear from you, Nailedit , tend to agree with your comments .....

I'm turned off by the moderation and the rules, hate seen "answers removed" , just seems too severe and unnecessary. 

The spirit of Mr Hodges lives on.

since the tyrannical Labour regime outlawed dissident I think the rot started before paradise dawned with the Labour revival.

some have popped their clogs -  and some wish they had ! ter daah - ( thx to WS C no less)

I'm turned off by the moderation and the rules, - - - complain to the Editor - the  email works - ( not sure if it goes to highest slashing mod)

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