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My Alt Levels Were Really High On My Liver Function Test. I Am Pretty Worried.

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LostSoulx | 20:26 Fri 23rd May 2014 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
I am about 6 stone overweight, I have been on a healthy eating plan for about 2 weeks now as i know i need to lose weight, however a recent blood test (one of them being liver function test) has come back high.

My Alt levels are high one of them i think ALT serum was at 208, the normal should be 40. My doctor has requested a second blood test in a week, and has told me i dont have an enlarged liver after a test she carried out, but I am really worried.

I have taken a reservatrol supplement and that is broken down in the liver, but i dont know if it would cause the level to be that high.

I very rarely drink alcohol, but my diet has been poor with lots of junk food. Does this mean at this level my liver could be seriously damaged or beyond repair ?

If it is due to fat in the liver, can this be reversed ?

Thanks in advance


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One reading of a high ALT is relatively meaningless.
The whole results of liver function tests and your clinical status needs to be taken into consideration e.g has there been any weight loss, do you drink, any history of a viral infection.......and so on
Your reading is not " sensational" and your doctor is right to repeat the test.

What you have told us so far would not suggest any liver disease or damage.

Keep us informed.
Sorry, I have just realised that I have only partially answered your question.
Yes, in the early stages bot alcoholic and non alcoholic fatty liver is a reversible condition.
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Well I should have been a bit more detailed, I did have a full liver function test done and my Alt was high 208 and my Ast was high too. I did not note the actual details of each level, only the Alt.

I had bilirubin was slightly above average, but it has always been that way. The doctor did not seem bothered by it.

She seemed quite relaxed over the whole thing as she said that she was ordering a new blood test to check liver function and pancreatic function too.

I just cant help but worry myself sick, everywhere read up on high Alt and Ast its not good.

Thank you very much for answering my question Sqad, its much appreciated. I noticed you answered my other question too.
Thanks doesn't sound a big deal and clearly it is a fatty liver that you have in an early stage which will revert to normal on a lifestyle change regime( diet and exercise).
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Hey Sqad, thanks for the reply. I had my second blood test done and there is a significant improvement, a third blood test will be done at the end of this month.

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