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Debra Musical Instruments Quiz

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Ann33G | 12:43 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

I'm stuck on the following ones:

14. Mouth? Gum? Palate? Any one of them (5,5) I thought Mouth organ but they're not organs!!

31. Godsend, there's a ship inside (7).

37. Car follows nothing but takes in a flute (7)

39. Adjoin back (4)

40. I take 200 into this horsey sport, and it sounds fine. (7)

45 wheel gubbins holds it back for clarion call (5)

thank you in anticipation! 




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40 P ICC olo

31 seen as B a SS oon

45 seen as Bugle (backwards in clue)

37 O car in a

Question Author

Brilliant thank you


39 Tuba (abut reversed)

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Debra Musical Instruments Quiz

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