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Tora..a Good One

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smurfchops | 17:14 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

Did you hear the answer to ..... the store which used to offer "nothing over sixpence"?  I won't spoil the funny answer in case you watch on catch up



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Presumably not Poundland, then?

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No he said something I thought was funnier ...  shall I spoil it and say?  

Go on then

The store concerned was founded in 1974, sixpenny  coins were withdrawn six years later in 1980.

Hardly time for it to have as their slogan, especially as a sixpenny coin was worth two and a half new pence!

Poundworld?  That was founded in 1974


My parents used to put a sixpence in the Christmas pudding.

Health and Safety wasn't invented the.

Was it not Woolworth's?



The correct answer is Woolworths, we're trying to guess the wrong answer that the contestant gave

That was a superb game!  One of the best I've ever seen. 

Good game, good game 

Question Author

The doctor said Primark, yes Barry you were right.  Primark!  Sixpence!  I thought that was a funny one.  And what a brilliant game!

Gold star for me!

How old was the contestant? I bet nobody under 25 knows about Woolworth's 

I seem to remember that was my pocket money in 1969!

You had pocket money?  I didn't even have pockets 

Question Author

Tora has gone very quiet ...

Is he suspended?

No.  He's not logged in today.  Perhaps sunning himself in sunny Southend.

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Tora..a Good One

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