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How To Keep A Charger Tip In Place?

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joko | 16:30 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

My laptop charging port & the charger plug is temperamental - i think there was supposed to be a plastic bit inside the port, but it broke off.

The plug tip is also rather bent, from a fall while plugged in.~

So now it is hard to get it to stay in & it moves & becomes disconnected, then seemingly randomly disconnects.

I dont want to buy a new charger as they seem to be expensive & im also not sure when i might just buy a new laptop.

So, my question is, how can i make the 2 parts connect firmly & stay that way?

Ive used a big chunk of bluetac, but the heat makes it very soft so it doesnt hold that well.

I was thinking of putting some little bits of tin foil inside the port, so it wont need to be so precise in order to stay connected -

would this work?

& will it cause any damage?

If not, has anyone got any other ideas to do this?

Thanks :)



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When I had that problem I took my device to the local repair shop and paid around £15 for them to replace the port. It's still doing the job.


I think the repair depends on the connection type.


For what it's worth, my women's sat-nav lead kept falling out (well these data connections were never designed to be continuously plugged & unplugged, so they get loose). My solution, which is working so far, was to tin the outside of the plug with solder to thicken it up a bit. Maybe you can consider something similar ?

I have that problem on my tablet. I put a small piece of corrugated cardboard either side (top and bottom) and use a strong plastic peg to hold it in place.

Depending on your skill with a screwdriver, a user repair of the charging port might be possible.

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