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Bbc Quiz : Week 29

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Buenchico | 20:07 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

Hello again!


A decent enough start for me this week, I feel, with a score of FIVE out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz:


However I could only manage a pathetic ONE out of five in the junior quiz this week:


Your turn!



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4/7,4/5. Puss Puss has sussed that the human is travelling to North Macedonia for a holiday on Sunday and is being the proverbial pain in the ....We have had dismembered mouse in kitchen, shredded curtain and refusal to come inside out of blazing sunshine today. Bailey is just letting life plod along as usual. Just hoping the flights will be o.k. Sunday morning. Trust all is good with you and yours

'Evening Buen (and kitties).  Hope you are coping with the lovely heatwave (aka 'Summer' in old-fashioned language).  

After a nail-biting choice of guesses I managed to end up with the popular 6 aggregate. 3?7 and 3/5....... all but 3 were guesses!!!!!!

Question Author

Welcome to the club, Jourdain2!

Fortunately, guesses all count!  πŸ˜‰


Hiya, Campbellking!

Well done!  You're joint top at the moment!

>>> "We have had dismembered mouse in kitchen, shredded curtain and refusal to come inside out of blazing sunshine today"

Ah, there's proof that Puss Puss is a proper cat!  (Tablo has found quite a few mice lately too!)

Given the current IT problems, you'll probably need to fill in a form (printed entirely in Macedonian, of course) manually in order to board your flight to Skopje but I'm sure that you'll there (or somewhere in Europe anyway!) eventually!

Enjoy your holiday and make sure that you give the lovable duo plenty of extra fuss when you get back!

5/7 and 3/5

Question Author

You're getting too good at this, Ken!

Joint top again!

Well done!

Good at guessing, you meanπŸ˜‰

Question Author

Let's hope that you're good at guessing a few winners this weekend, Ken  πŸ˜‰

Chris, I know nothing! 1/7 in the adult, but 4/5 in the kids. I've got my short pants on!



All guesses

Except the football one.

I've only done the first one...6/7...half my answers were guesses.

And 4/5 on number 2. Again a few guesses...though I actually knew the frogs and football answers.

Question Author

There's nowt wrong with being nothing but a big kid, 10CS!  πŸ˜Š


Well done, Rocky!  You're among our higher scorers this week!


Flamin' 'eck, Pasta! 

Near perfect, twice over, and way out in the lead  too! 


Thanks Chris...I must be absorbing information somehow in spite of feeling the opposite  πŸ€” 

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Bbc Quiz : Week 29

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