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JinnyJoan | 22:14 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

I am interested in a pair of brand new shoes in ebay at 3 times less than the ordinary price.  I put them in the basket awaiting an answer would the seller take a return if they don't fit.  

I am just after noticing about a minute ago - no seller wont accept returns.  Is that fair and also would you take a chance and buy them anyway.  



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probably unlawful in ENgland but dont argue the toss - just go eleswhere

A private seller does not have to accept returns unless the items are not as described but a trader/company must.

Is it a private seller?

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I don't know Barry as it is a mix-up of a name - and I am pretty desperate for these brand of shoes as my friend has them and finds them really comfortable and because of the way my feet and legs are I really am looking for something really good.  They are only £65 but usually they are £184.

Can you post a link to the item?

How many items has the seller sold? That can indicate a trader

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don't know if this will work as I am not good with links but here goes;_trksid=p4375194.c101949.m162918&_trkparms=parentrq%3Ad20dc9b21900a55f535ae243ffff6bc2%7Cpageci%3A4e24a3cc-46df-11ef-a195-2618af1c270a%7Ciid%3A1%7Cvlpname%3Avlp_homepage

Well done JJ, I can see those.  Love the colour.

All looks good to me as seller has good reviews.

Have you tried putting the brand name of the shoes in the searh box. You might find a seller offering them at the same price and would take returns.

they are size four and a half.  Is that your shoe size??? 

If they don't fit, you won't get your money back.

Good feedback and covered by the eBay guarantee.

I'd take a punt on them if they appealed to me

If they don't fit you or you don't like them but they are as described, you'll not get a refund. 

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my shoe size is 4 actually but was going for the half as my feet have swelled a little - yea think I will take a punt for many as £65 I have wasted.  My friend just loves hers.

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andres - they are very hard to get and the bad thing there are no shops selling them in Belfast any more

If they don't fit or you don't like them you can sell them on eBay or Vinted. I'm made a profit that way 

Before you buy them you could try making an offer. The option wouldn't be there if they weren't open to offers. Nothing to lose.

JJ could always sell them on if for any reason she didn't want them and get her money back plus possibly a bit more.

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wouldn't have a baldy clue on how to sell on vinted or ebay - in fact I do have about 10 pairs of brand new "old" flares trousers about size 16 - never worn and thought of selling them - could I do that.  

JJ - I regularly sell on EBay & even more so on Vinted. These shoes look good to me and if ai were you I'd take a gamble on them - they look a good deal. If however they don't fit and you fancy selling them on, and want to know how to sell on Vinted or Ebay then just ask and I'll show you how x

I would make an offer a bit lower then the asking price.

Remember, what suits your friend's feet, may not suit your feet.

JinnyJoan, have a good look at the eBay photo you posted.

The bottom shoe appears to have a bit of wear in the heel area.

Could be a poor photograph, but I would be a bit wary of buying them.

You could contact the seller and ask about the photograph.

Best of luck, anyway!




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