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Hot, Hot Music/Songs

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Hazlinny | 19:40 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
39 Answers

🎶 As everyone seems to be complaining of the heat at the moment, I thought we might find some music/songs where the title includes the words hot or heat.  There could be quite a lot 🎶  Starting off is ......





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Different song, different artist, though, Haz. 😊

I can't see it posted... heat of the moment.

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Heat ... Toni Braxton

You're right again, Captain.  Just listened to them 😊

This seems to be an obvious choice but I can't see it posted, so here goes:


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Thanks folks for the songs so far - probably need a cold shower after listening to them all.🚿

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Tropical Heatwave  ... The Muppets


^^^ One can't go wrong with The Muppets, Hazlinny!

How about a bit of jazz?

From the guy that brought you a little ditty about Jack and Diane;





Maybe a kind soul could post this one for me ...

Bruce Springsteen....I'm on Fire ....🔥 thanks 

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For you 🎶 x

Here you go seekz

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You're the lucky one, two for the price of one x

Again, thanks to everyone who has made this a lovely musical evening. x

Wow, thanks ....though I did worry, I'd stepped over the boundaries, but then, Bruce IS hot !!🔥 

Doesn't include hot in the title but it is.

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Steff  ... allowances are always made for our lovely friend from the Southern Hemisphere. 🌏 x

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Vulcan/  As Mr Cash is a favourite of mine, I'll have to OK yours too x

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