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Viagogo Event Tickets

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trixilator | 09:19 Sun 20th May 2018 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers
This - I am told - is a legitimately registered company in Switzerland (so not covered by
any European financial regulation) selling event tickets globally and making a mint!
When the UK event I wanted showed "sold out" I found Viagogo were showing tickets still available so I fell for it and ordered on my MasterCard. Their acknowledgement told me I would receive them a week before the July event date.When I asked the event organisers how come Viagogo had tickets available, they told me they were probably scalped and if I turned up with them, they would not honour them and I'd be refused admission. They said they were well aware of Viagogo's activities as did my bank when I asked if there was any way of recovering my £200.
How can they get away with it and how can I spread the word so that other mugs like me
wont fall for it?


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Some info about them here.

from the article.
\\The site has been accused of “moral repugnance” for seeking to profit from events in aid of cancer charities by popstar Ed Sheeran and comedian Peter Kay. It has been criticised for providing a conduit for touts to sell tickets at huge mark-ups to fans despite knowing that they might be denied entry. It was also faced allegations of breaching consumer rights laws and withholding refunds from overcharged customers.//

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Many thanks Webbo. Looks more serious and widespread than I thought. I guess theres nothing one can do...... Still hurts though!
A minister has told consumers not to use Viagogo, one of the big four secondary ticket resellers.
Digital Minister Margot James told BBC Radio 5 live that if fans had to use a secondary site to buy tickets, "don't choose Viagogo - they are the worst".
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has referred Viagogo to National Trading Standards to investigate.
The ASA says Viagogo has been breaking UK advertising rules by failing to make additional fees clear.

Viagogo is a popular platform for purchasing event tickets, offering a wide range of options for concerts, sports, and theater. However, it's crucial to research before buying. Many users have shared their experiences on platforms like providing insights into their ticket purchasing process. While some find Viagogo convenient and reliable, others have faced issues such as high fees and ticket authenticity. By reading reviews, you can make a more informed decision and ensure a smoother experience when securing your event tickets

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