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Answerbank On Moby

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nailedit | 15:20 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Since Fridays Microsoft issues, Ive been unable to access AB on my mobile.

Getting the message DNS adress could not be found.

Any ideas?



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Type the full address rather than using a bookmark. I had this several years ago when a camera shop I looked at regularly suddenly wasn't there. A colleague suggested I tried www etc and it worked.
15:31 Sun 21st Jul 2024

Try a different browser.  I use Brave on my phone

Type the full address rather than using a bookmark. I had this several years ago when a camera shop I looked at regularly suddenly wasn't there. A colleague suggested I tried www etc and it worked.

I had the same problem, I even Googled Answerbank and clicked on the link. For some reason there is a random m in the address. Still can't get in with Chrome, so using Firefox without a problem.

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Thanks for replies.

Just tried bhg's suggestion and that works.

nailedit - now redo your bookmark.

Oh, and thanks for BA (I've only just noticed).

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//now redo your bookmark//

bhg, don't go confusing me anymore with tech stuff 😂

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