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2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards

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wolf63 | 16:50 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Photographers must have to have tons of patience, sitting and waiting for the perfect moment.

I like the cat and the lion toy.





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I have just laughed for a good ten minutes !

They are all brilliant, thanks for posting :)


So funny!

I have a photo of my daughters dog with the round part of the catflap stuck around her neck! So funny! She wasn't hurt. They've just moved house and  she tried to get out of door using this! She ran to ex neighbour's house just 50 yards away, who absolutely love each other,  who then phoned my daughter to tell her. 😁

Wonderful photos - I especially love the heavy horse having a good run off the ground. The size of those hooves!

Thanks for sharing, wolf :)

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2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards

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