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Generalist And This Week’s Cryptic

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stevenj | 17:50 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

I have managed to finish both , though nowhere near before my bath time last night. And without the help from the usual suspects and LiK! I don't think I could have found a couple of answers without that help. So thank you !




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Well done, Steven 🙂 

I haven't done a Generalist for years & haven't looked at the Jumbo this week.

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We'll Never a Crossword said you provided Agrements which was hugely helpful !


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Well not we'll. sorry 

Stevj, that was kind of you to thank Lie-in King (and others - I'm not including myself as I came up only with a choice of two three-letter words!). Lie-in King gave four or five answers in that recent Generalist - maybe he's happy to do that but doesn't fancy the whole puzzle?!

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Well,NaC, all the bits helped! And you have given me loads of help over the months/ years! 

Ah, with you now!  You're right, Nac, if I see a question I'll try to answer it, even if I've not seen the puzzle.

I don't do the Generalist as - to the best of my knowledge - it stopped being free to access a long time ago.

Thanks, Lie-in King, I knew I'd seen a few recent answers from you.

Stevenj, thanks for the thanks! I think I have helped with the Jumbo Cryptic, that's the limit of my skills, know-how.


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I do the Generalist crossword because we take the magazine ( a very good one!). I think he's an amazing setter!

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