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The K M Links Game - July 2024 Week 3 Results

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seekeerz | 01:48 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Good morning everyone - life is almost back to normal  ....hail stones, internet crashes, wild winds, not withstanding and the school holidays are over so it's safe to go shopping again ....almost normal!!

The links proved interesting 

Quick Lime

Shocking Pink

Chop Stick

Chat Line

You found them all, no Bonus points unfortunately, JOOLZ and JJ109 both collected 3 points for their two matches plus a good sprinkling of single points made for movement on the Leaderboard.

However, the Leaderboard is going to have to wait as I have a drs appointment this morning, and I have to head off now ....I'll be back 🤗



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Finally ... the Leaderboard 

9 points - modeste

4 points - JJ109 & Joolz

3 points - jobjockey & seekeerz

2 points - Buenchico,hazlinny, MargoTester, Sam1960 & tearinghair.

1 point - 16 players

Congratulations, everyone for points scored so far, and we'll wind it up next week, till then stay safe and take care, Cheers Steff 😘😘

Are there any hobnobs left, glad I'm not causing any work for the score board, try again next week 

They should have been a delivery of Hob-Nobs a pallet full, last week whilst I was away... they've been hidden from me as well, just like the guesses this month.

Well done the point scorers.

Thank you Seekeerz, Hope all is well with you. Xx

في لعبة KM Links لشهر يوليو 2024، الأسبوع الثالث، شهد اللاعبون نتائج مثيرة مع العديد من العروض المتميزة. ومع احتدام المنافسة، استعرض المشاركون مهاراتهم الاستراتيجية وحظوظهم. للحصول على مراجعة تفصيلية لخيارات الألعاب، بما في ذلك كازينو Chilli الشهير، قم بزيارة هذا تعكس النتائج الطبيعة الديناميكية للعبة، وتسلط الضوء على أهمية الإستراتيجية والصدفة.

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The K M Links Game - July 2024 Week 3 Results

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