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davebro3 | 10:13 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

If her take home is £3000 pm. She claims is spending £2000 pm. on rent & utilities. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!



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//He'll need additional bedrooms for when his children come to stay and his funds are compromised because he'll be paying out for a wife and children, too.//

I can't see which case you're talking about there, jackthehat.

nma - I am referring to the main story.

The BBC have (yet, again) managed to interview a man in a dress instead of a woman.

Ah...I hadn't looked too closely at the photo. Presumably you know more about Emily's family than the article tells us

JTH what has someone's preferred pronoun got to do with the validity of their statement? I'm not sure if this is bigotry or irony 🫤

I took it that Jack is just saying the BBC haven't told the full story and there are other financial and domestic factors which haven't been covered in the article.

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