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Gp Surgery Tech Outage

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Vagus | 08:16 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Does anyone have any info on whether or not GP surgeries are still affected by the global tech problem?

Ours had phone lines only on Friday.



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Hi Vagus. I have seen various reports in the media that delays are probably inevitable for a week or two yet until the backlog is cleared.

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Hi choux 😊 Hope things are okay at yours.

Thanks for your reply. I'd read those reports too but just wondered if the GP side of things has managed to be sorted out. I need something printed out from them but it'll just have to wait x

No doubt it varies from one surgery to another. Best to give them a call after about 3pm when the lines are quieter.

Mind was ok today

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Finally got through to the surgery and they're back online, they'll have what I need ready for me to collect in the morning.

Thanks all x

Pleased you got sorted, Vagus x

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