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Why Do I Keep Getting The Following Message Net::err_Cert_Invalid

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Wonderland12 | 10:02 Mon 24th Oct 2022 | Technology
6 Answers
When I try and access some websites using Google Chrome I keep getting the following: "Your connection is not private". Also the following NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID. It has suddenly been happening on websites I have been able to access before. How do I fix this? Thank you.


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First thing to do is check that the time and date are correct on your computer.
I've been getting it on and off all weekend, and I believe a few on AB have also. Shouldn't worry about it too much I'm sure it will sort itself out, it normally does. Only had it once this morning.
Check your PC's date too, then.
I know that this error can appear if you are using an insecure wifi network (e.g. a public one). Also, you can try resetting Google Chrome settings.

This is of course if you are sure the websites you are entering are safe. Initially, this error should appear if a website had an SSL certificate, which expired and now a secure connection cannot be etablished.
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Why Do I Keep Getting The Following Message Net::err_Cert_Invalid

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